Saturday, October 17, 2009


Polenta Ingredients
For this recipe you will need:

* 6 cups water
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 2 cups polenta (cornmeal)
* 3 tablespoons butter (optional)
* grated cheese
* tomato sauce to taste

Combine the Water and Polenta
First,pour the cornmeal and 2 cups of the cold water into a large bowl. Whisk it so there are no lumps.

Next, pour the remaining 4 cups of water and the salt into a pot, and bring to a boil.
Stir the Polenta
Now, gradually stir in the polenta and cold water mixture.

Let the polenta and water simmer gently. Stir frequently, so there's no sticking. It will take about 30 minutes until it's very thick.

At the end, mix in the butter.
Pour the Polenta Into a Buttered Bowl
Butter a bowl for the polenta to cool. The polenta will take shape of the bowl after sitting for about 10 minutes.

Once it's set, invert the polenta onto a flat plate. You can cut it into thick slices and top with tomato sauce and grated cheese.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thats sounds pretty easy. I just don't know what is cornmeal is! I guess I will have to look it up online to see what we call it in Arabic. is this a Chinese recipe?
